Convention Schedule

Monday, June 30, 2025

12:00–7:00 pm | Registration and Hospitality Desk Open | Sheraton
Lunch on your own
1:00 pm | AGO Competition for Young Organists | Arlington Heights United Methodist Church
3:30 pm–5:00 pm | Workshop: AGO Leadership Training, Elizabeth George, presenter | Sheraton
Dinner on your own

Convention Begins
7:30 pm | Recital: Katelyn Emerson | Broadway Baptist Church
8:45 pm | Convention Opening Reception | Broadway Baptist Church
9:00 pm–midnight | Exhibits and cash bar open | Sheraton

Tuesday, July 1, 2025

7:30–8:30 am | Registration and Hospitality Desk Open | Sheraton
9:00 am| Track A - Recital: Lukas Hasler | Trinity Episcopal Church
9:00 am | Track B - Recital: Organized Rhythm | Robert Carr Chapel, TCU
10:15 am | Workshop: Injury Prevention for Organists, Katelyn Emerson, presenter | University Christian Church, Choir Room
10:15 am | Workshop: Musical Design Elements in Messiaen’s Livre du Saint Sacrement, David Vogels, presenter | University Christian Church, Sanctuary
10:15 am | Workshop: Preparing for Guild Exams - SPC, Peggy Graff, presenter | University Christian Church, Classroom A
10:15 am | Workshop: A Transformative Journey: Charting Your Course to CAGO Certification, Michael Conrady, presenter | University Christian Church, Classroom B
11:30 am | Track A - Recital: Organized Rhythm | Robert Carr Chapel, TCU
11:30 am | Track B - Recital: Lukas Hasler | Trinity Episcopal Church
12:30 pm | Lunch | University Christian Church
1:30 pm | Workshop: Innovative Programming: Fresh Repertoire for Concert and Worship, Melissa Plamann, presenter | University Christian Church, Sanctuary
1:30 pm | Workshop: Help Me Help You: Effective Communication with your Organ Tech, John Riester, presenter | University Christian Church, Choir Room
1:30 pm | Workshop: Accessible Service Music: Sources & Resources from Southwest Region Composers, Larry Wolz, presenter | University Christian Church, Classroom
3:15 pm | Recital: Yunjung Lee | Arborlawn United Methodist Church
4:30–7:00 pm | Exhibits and cash bar open | Sheraton
5:00 pm | AGO Competition for Young Organists - Winner’s Recital | Arlington Heights United Methodist Church
Dinner on your own
7:30 pm | Recital: Ken Cowan | First United Methodist Church
8:45 pm | Reception | First United Methodist Church, Wesley Hall
9:00 pm–midnight | Exhibits and cash bar open | Sheraton

Wednesday, July 2, 2025

7:30–8:30 am | Registration and Hospitality Desk open | Sheraton
8:30 am | Workshop: More than Four-Part Harmony: Introduction to Creative Hymn Playing, Jens Korndorfer, presenter | First Presbyterian Church, Sanctuary
8:30 am | Workshop: Communicating with Chapter Members and the World Beyond Organists, Karen Rich, presenter | First Presbyterian Church, Media Room
8:30 am | Workshop: MorningStar Choral Music Reading Session, Taylor Davis, presenter | First Presbyterian Church, Great Hall
9:45 am | Workshop: Transcribing for Organ, Ken Cowan, presenter | First Presbyterian Church, Sanctuary
9:45 am | Workshop: forScore for the Modern Organist, Lindsey Johnson, presenter | First Presbyterian Church, Media Room
9:45 am | Workshop: Handbell Music Reading Session, Stephanie Rhoades, presenter | First Presbyterian Church, Youth Center
11:00 am | Recital: Alcee Chriss | First Presbyterian Church
12:00 pm | Lunch | First Presbyterian Church
2:00 pm | Recital: Clarion Duo | Calvary Lutheran Church
3:15–5:00 pm | Exhibits and cash bar open | Sheraton
5:30 pm | Worship: Choral Evensong | St. Stephen Presbyterian Church
6:30 pm | Dinner | St. Stephen Presbyterian Church, Parish Hall
8:00 pm | Recital: Jan Kraybill | St. Stephen Presbyterian Church
9:45 pm | Reception, exhibits and cash bar open | Sheraton

Thursday, July 3, 2025

7:30–8:30 am | Registration and Hospitality Desk open | Sheraton
8:30 am | Convention Breakfast and AGO Meeting | Sheraton

12:00 pm | Recital: Joel Bacon | Winspear Hall, UNT
1:00 pm | Lunch and University of North Texas Organ Renovation, Jesse Eschbach, presenter | Winspear Hall, Lobby
2:30 pm | Recital: Samuel Gaskin | Main Auditorium, UNT

All meals are included in the registration unless noted as “on your own.”